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Re: The Community is Walkable, Are You? The UK produces or purchases nearly two-thirds of the world's stair lifts. It may be because the UK is a small island with a lack of building space, causing builders to produce houses which have 2 or 3 floors and which have lots of stairs. Stair-lifts help people who lack the mobilty to get upstairs to manage on their own. It improves their independence but, necessarily, it does little for them when they go out, because they can't take the stair-lift with them. When they no longer need it, the stair-lift is also an ugly reminder of the way things used to be - and people spend a lot of money taking them out to restore their property to the way it should be. Exoskeletons and electromechanical devices that help people to walk can completely replace stair lifts because they are everything that stair lifts are not. Stair lifts are expensive and always have been but exoskeletons are currently unaffordable. Mass production and reasonable prices must follow so that people with arthritis and other problems that limit their mobility can take advantage before it is too late. Dr. Kevin Doughty Editor's Note: Dr. Doughty is a valued Advisor to AIPatHome.com Re: Health, Caregiving And The Use Of Mobile Technology Great article -- it's encouraging to see studies like this and a big player like AARP getting involved with promoting aging and technology. AARP recently joined the Aging Technology Alliance: AGETEK, which is great news for our industry! The trouble is that our aging population mostly can agree that they want to stay at home and would use technology to do so. The sticking point is that there is a fuzzy line as to WHEN they need to use technology to enable independence. Many are still in a crisis mgmt mode and wait until there is an emergency to start looking into solutions. We want individuals to look into technologies like GrandCare, BEFORE they need it. In other words, technologies like this can proactively help a person to stay home and perhaps give caregivers more information about how that person is doing. Perhaps even before they show outward symptoms, there could be some indication all is not right so a change can be made before crisis occurs! Still - encouraging, we need to shift the thinking to technology being used to enable everyone (as I use it every day to wake up, remind me to take my vitamins, turn lights off after I leave home, etc). Thanks! Laura from GrandCare Systems Editor's Note: Several years ago AIPatHome began as "TeleHome Companion" and our purpose was to help get people comfortable with technology as a 'normal' part of their lifestyle. People weren't quite ready for that then -- it seemed cold and institutional. So, we changed the name to "AIPatHome" and put more emphasis on Universal Design and creating an age-friendly home environment to help bridge the cultural gap. It's exciting to see that gap closing and technology more accepted. |
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