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AIPatHome.com - Age in Place at Home - It's Where You Want to Be.

March 2009

The leading resource for people who are searching for products, services, information and reassurance
to best age in place.


In 1963 Japan began a tradition of "Respect for the Aged Day" by giving silver cups to those who reached their 100th birthday.  That first year they gave 153. Last year there were 19,768 new centenarians in Japan and the numbers are rising.

 Sanicare: Featured AIPatHome.com Business
Featured Business: Sanicare

Idea Center Showcase: The Stairlighting Kit®
AIPatHome Idea Center - The Stairlighting Kit

Proper stair illumination is essential for safety and Stairlighting System, LLC has developed a solution that is easy to install, inexpensive to operate and can be customized to blend in with existing home decor. It also has additional safety features that allow the LED lights and transformer to generate less heat than conventional lighting methods. Bonus - it works even when the power is out.

Go to the Idea Center for a closer look at The Stairlighting Kit®

Making Better Connections through Computers: Cross Loop

Have you ever spent an hour or so on the phone functioning as your parents' (or grandparents', or fill-in-the-blank) IT department? And you all feel like screaming – some cases actually screaming — out of frustration? You, because you know it's only a couple of clicks and problem solved. Them, because "you said it was easy – only a couple of clicks and problems solved! What do I need this computer for anyway?" Then you need to learn about Cross Loop. Check out Lysa's blog post "Are You Your Parents' Tech Support?"

Universal Design: User Friendly and Good Looking

Universal Design inpsired home of Jean-Yves Prodel.

Another post on our blog was prompted by one of our readers Chazzy. She gave us a heads up to an article in the New York Times about a couple of homes featuring universal design. One is in Colorado,  the other in France and both remodels show how accessible can be beautiful.

Click here for the blog post and links to full articles.


Your rants, raves and suggestions are always welcome....especially the raves!  Seriously, let us know what we can do to help bring you the information and access to other resources to best age-in-place in the home and community of your choice.  Send your comments and stories to talktous@aipathome.com.

 Remember to check the AIP Business Pages to find the Products & Service Professionals you need to help you live in your home for as long as confidently possible.

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