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November 2009
leading resource for people who are
searching for products, services, information and reassurance
to better age in place.
AIP Bulletin
Quote of the Month
“One secret of aging beautifully is the ability to say 'I love
what I do'.”
Cynthia Leibrock, MA, ASID, Hon. IIDA |
Get The
Monsters Out Of Your Bathroom |
Photo By Maira Kouvara |
By Andrea Tannenbaum,
A nice warm bath
or shower can offer relief to people who
have arthritis and other muscular or joint
ailments. A long soak can be just what the
doctor ordered. But many people are
concerned about slipping and falling in the
tub. Unlike a child's fear about the
"monster in the drain", the "slip and fall"
monster is very real.
According to the
National Safety Council, more than 400
people drown in bath tubs each year. That
horrifying statistic does not include all
the injuries, big and small, that occur
annually due to falls in the tub. These
falls are most likely to occur while
entering or leaving the tub as well as when
shifting between a standing and seated
Don't let the
"slip and fall" monster prevent you from
enjoying the benefits of a bath. Instead,
arm yourself to defeat this monster by
following some commonsense practices and
adding a few safety items to your bath area.
These safety precautions are particularly
important if you are weak or have balance
If you can
stand, but need some support to get into or
out of the tub, being able to hold onto
something secure might be the solution:
- A
Bath Tub Rail provides something to
hold onto as you enter or leave the tub.
There are many styles, all fitting over
the tub edge without doing any damage to
the fixture. Make sure to select the
right height and grip style to suit your
- Grab
Bars of varying lengths, textures
and styles can be mounted on the wall in
strategic locations where they can
provide support. Grab bars serve two
- The
first is as a balance aid, something
to hold onto that is stable and
gives you a sense of security.
- The
second and more important purpose is
as a tool to support you if you
should begin to fall.
Please do
not be tempted to use a towel bar as a
grab bar substitute. Towel bars are not
designed to hold the weight of a person
if they begin to fall. During a fall,
with help of gravity, the actual force
pulling on the bar can be much more that
your weight. Because of this, it is
important to follow all precautions
regarding appropriate wall preparation
when installing a grab bar.
Find a professional to install the
grab bar - for your own safety!
Click here to read more.
Click here to
finish reading "Get The Monsters Out Of Your Bathroom"
Tech Expert Joins AIPatHome Advisory Team |
Robin Raskin, Founder,
Living In Digital Times |
Noted author, editor and founder of Living in Digital Times, Robin Raskin,
has joined the AIPatHome.com Advisory Team. Raskin has been translating technology into consumer friendly terms for more
than 25 years. In 2007, Raskin became the co-founder of The Sandbox Summit: A
Playdate with Technology, an event created in partnership with the
Electronics Association (CEA). This year she's co-producing
Mommy Tech, Higher EdTECH,
Digital Health and
Silvers Summit, each devoted to
exploring the technologies relevant to these particular lifestyles. Robin has been the editor-in-chief of FamilyPC,
editor of PC Magazine, and columnist for USA Today Online and the Gannett News
Service, winning numerous prizes for her coverage of technology. Raskin lives in NYC and the Hudson Valley, with her husband, her three drop
in now and then children, and closets full of obsolete technology.
Click here to read the full announcement.
Just For
Fun |
Selected as Media Partner for Silvers Summit & DigitalHealth Summit
CES 2010 |
has been selected as a Media Partner for Silvers Summit and Digital
Health Summit CES 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada, January 7 - 10.
The dHealth Summit focuses on the convergence of technology
and healthcare and how they provide solutions to many of the most
vexing healthcare-related issues. In addition
to diagnosing and battling disease, today’s generation of high-tech
healthcare products and services will be the catalyst for better
managed healthcare, patient/doctor communication, shorter hospital
stays and faster recovery time, lowered costs for health insurance,
early prevention and detection, digital patient information records,
medical attention over distances (telemedicine), patient monitoring,
and so much more.

Silvers Summit showcases the products and services that keep
baby boomers engaged, entertained, and connected. This one-day event
focusing on boomer-focused technologies assembles companies,
distributors, journalists, research firms, and think tanks, to
demonstrate the products and services that will help mature
consumers maintain their high quality of life.
Talk to Us |
Your rants, raves, suggestions and stories are always
welcome...especially the raves! Seriously, tell us what
we can do to help bring you the information and access to other
resources you need to best age-in-place, in the home and community of
choice. Send your comments, tips and stories to
talktous@aipathome.com or
out this form. |