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Age in place at home. It's where you want to be.           AIPatHome.com          Universal Design            Technology       Home Modifications     AIP Products & Services           AIPatHome.com

We are a window into the world of possibilities for people who are searching for aging in place ideas, products, services, information and reassurance that will help them, or their loved ones, live confidently at home for as long as possible. Enjoy our site and please join our mailing list.

AIPatHome.com is dedicated to helping people better age-in-place and live independently by showing the benefits of using universally designed housing & products, telecare technologies, and other assistive products that can make life easier at home.

Green Mountain Ranch Kitchen Counter-splash with garden

Universal Design

Explore homes and furnishings.

Barrier free in-law suite bedroom area with privacy-shoji-doors.

Home Modifications

Transform your home so it works for every body.

Tech Center

Incorporating technology into your home.


Helping you make your home livable, longer, through technology and universal design.

Real Time Control Of Wheelchair With Brain Waves

Recently technological developments in the area of brain machine interface (BMI) have received much attention. Such systems allow elderly or handicapped people to interact with the world through signals from their brains, without having to give voice commands.

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This is ‘NeAT’

Newham Advanced Telecare (NeAT) is a community wide remote monitoring system to support older people, people living with disabilities, victims of racial, sexual harassment or domestic violence and vulnerable people living alone.

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Age in place at home. It's where you want to be.