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We are a window into the world of possibilities for people who are searching for aging in place ideas, products, services, information and reassurance that will help them, or their loved ones, live confidently at home for as long as possible. Enjoy our site and please join our mailing list.

AIPatHome.com is dedicated to helping people better age-in-place and live independently by showing the benefits of using universally designed housing & products, telecare technologies, and other assistive products that can make life easier at home.

Green Mountain Ranch Kitchen Counter-splash with garden

Universal Design

Explore homes and furnishings.

Barrier free in-law suite bedroom area with privacy-shoji-doors.

Home Modifications

Transform your home so it works for every body.

Tech Center

Incorporating technology into your home.


Helping you make your home livable, longer, through technology and universal design.

In-Home Telehealth Study Launched By Mayo Clinic, GE, Intel

During the year-long study 200 high-risk patients over the age of 60 with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart failure, lung disease, will use a medical monitoring device to take their vitals: blood pressure, weight, sugar levels and peak air flow. This information is collected in a central database at the Mayo Clinic where the patient’s primary medical team will have secure web access. Clinicians will also be able to use the videoconferencing system to observe and communicate with their patients.

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What is Universal Design?

What makes a home “universal”? It’s simple. Everyone can use universal design! It doesn’t matter if you are young or old. You could be short or tall, healthy or ill. You might have a disability. Or you may be a prize-winning athlete. Because of universal design, people who are very different can all enjoy the same home. And that home will be there for all its inhabitants even when their needs change.

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Trackless Tub & Shower Doors

Trackless Tub & Shower doors feature great trackless design and full unobstructed access to the bathtub or shower. The Lyons Industries, Inc. trackless tub and shower doors are made from virtually unbreakable, clear Veil-Lite Lexan (used in race car windows), plastic weighing 85% less than double-strength glass, and will not shatter.The door frame is made of PVC. Visit the Exhibit at AIPatHome.com.

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Age in place at home. It's where you want to be.