Universal Design Room Addition
Home Modifications
aip@Home Editor

Plan For Your Future Needs and Remodel With Universal Design

Warner McConaughey, is a certified remodeler who witnessed first hand the need for early planning in his parents’ home. “My parents talked for a long time that they want to stay in their current house forever, but my mom broke her ankle about three years ago, and that’s when she realized how hard it was to get around,” McConaughey said. “Universal design isn’t for an old person. It’s for anybody.”

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toyota mobility robot
Assistive Technology
AIPatHome Staff

Robots Can Extend Aging In Place

Other countries are leading the United States in the development and integration of assistive technologies. Part of it has to do with funding. Governments in Europe, Japan and Korea invest in research and development of robotics for healthcare. U.S. robotic funding is directed to the military.

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white bathroom
Green Home
AIPatHome Staff

Master Spa Bath for the Baby Boomer and Beyond

Remodeling the bathroom is a good starting place to make a home more sustainable for aging in place. AARP research shows that more than half (52%) of American homeowners age 45 and older are interested in remaining in their homes as they get older. Green remodeling reduces monthly utility bills while universal design elements increase comfort and improve lifestyle, and all people — no matter their age — appreciate additional comfort and safety. Today, advances in technology make it possible to improve both convenience and performance.

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