AIP Technology: Now, Soon, and on the Drawing Boards

“New developments in technology promise to help transition healthcare from expensive clinical settings into private residences, encourage behavioral modifications that emphasize prevention rather than treatment of illnesses, and make it easier for family caregivers to monitor loved ones and take action in case of an emergency,” says Athan Bezaitis,

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Trackless Tub & Shower Doors

Trackless Tub & Shower doors feature great trackless design and full unobstructed access to the bathtub or shower. The Lyons Industries, Inc. trackless tub and shower doors are made from virtually unbreakable, clear Veil-Lite Lexan (used in race car windows), plastic weighing 85% less than double-strength glass, and will not shatter.The door frame is made of PVC. Visit the Exhibit at

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Gibbons’ First Five Health Technology Trends for 2010

Chris Gibbons, Associate Director, John Hopkins Urban Health Institute: "If we are serious about developing technology solutions for healthcare problems, we must have a greater focus on the users (patients, caregivers as well as providers) and their problems, issues, needs and concerns. We must then use this information to develop effective technology solutions for user defined needs." Following are his first 5 predictions for 2010 healthcare technology trends:

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Is the UK out in front of others, including the US, when it comes to smart homes, telecare and telehealthcare technology adoption?

George MacGinnis on the difference between telecare and telehealth: In terms of telecare we think of tele-social care. The main focus is on managing risks to peoples’ lives. They might have a panic button, a fall sensor and these might be people who are suffering from dementia. There are risks that they might leave the oven on and create a fire, so there are remote control fire detectors or remote gas shut off valves, etc. Whereas [telehealth] is much more about chronic disease management: Diabetics might be checking their sugar, others might be checking peak flows, blood pressure or weighing themselves and answering questions about their health.

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