Almost One-Third of U.S. Adult Population Plays Caregiver Role in Households Across America: 65.7 Million Caregivers
Comprehensive Report Details the Prevalence, Implications, Costs of Caregiving and Demographics of Caregivers
Comprehensive Report Details the Prevalence, Implications, Costs of Caregiving and Demographics of Caregivers
AIPatHome has been selected as a Media Partner for Silvers Summit and Digital Health Summit CES 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada, January 7 - 10.
David Lindeman, executive director of the Center for Technology and Aging, said when seniors begin seeing "real-life applications for health IT that actually improve their lives," barriers to technology go down and adoption goes up.
Don't let the "slip and fall" monster prevent you from enjoying the benefits of a bath. Instead, arm yourself to defeat this monster by following some commonsense practices and adding a few safety items to your bath area.
“The knowledge and experience about technology in general, seniors especially, that Robin Raskin brings to our mission of letting people know how assistive technologies can be used to support aging in place is invaluable," said Meres McCarroll, AIPatHome principal.
A Scientia Advisors report released 11/11/2009 found that health IT is the fastest growing sector of the global health care marketplace
Mackmiller's design team's challenge was to convert the original 29-square-foot bathroom into a 60-square-foot space that would incorporate elements of universal design and consider the needs of everyone using the space.
"FALLS are so harmful to the elderly and so costly to society that if falling were a disease, it would be deemed an epidemic." Steve Lohr for The New York Times