Can X-Box, Computers and Cell Phones Improve Healthcare?
Microsoft thinks so and is looking for new ways to use technology to improve personal health care using X-Box, computers and cell phones.
Microsoft thinks so and is looking for new ways to use technology to improve personal health care using X-Box, computers and cell phones.
George MacGinnis on the difference between telecare and telehealth: In terms of telecare we think of tele-social care. The main focus is on managing risks to peoples’ lives. They might have a panic button, a fall sensor and these might be people who are suffering from dementia. There are risks that they might leave the oven on and create a fire, so there are remote control fire detectors or remote gas shut off valves, etc. Whereas [telehealth] is much more about chronic disease management: Diabetics might be checking their sugar, others might be checking peak flows, blood pressure or weighing themselves and answering questions about their health.
“The knowledge and experience about technology in general, seniors especially, that Robin Raskin brings to our mission of letting people know how assistive technologies can be used to support aging in place is invaluable," said Meres McCarroll, AIPatHome principal.
Other countries are leading the United States in the development and integration of assistive technologies. Part of it has to do with funding. Governments in Europe, Japan and Korea invest in research and development of robotics for healthcare. U.S. robotic funding is directed to the military.
In an article for Health Futures Digest, David Ellis reports on the following remote monitoring devices, among other advances of computing, materials and implants, developed…
Video-based technologies that allow patients to access medical information.
Recently technological developments in the area of brain machine interface (BMI) have received much attention. Such systems allow elderly or handicapped people to interact with the world through signals from their brains, without having to give voice commands.
So let's say you live in an isolated location, leave the house to go out to a garage or walk the dog, how useful is a PERS (Personal Emergency Response System) pendant or watch?