What is Universal Design?

What makes a home "universal"? It's simple. Everyone can use universal design! It doesn't matter if you are young or old. You could be short or tall, healthy or ill. You might have a disability. Or you may be a prize-winning athlete. Because of universal design, people who are very different can all enjoy the same home. And that home will be there for all its inhabitants even when their needs change.

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Aging-in-Place – It’s time to try it here

I’m sure that many readers have grappled with the problem of dealing with old age. It’s probably accurate to say that most would prefer to remain in their own homes as long as possible, regardless of cost. But, like my mother, they wonder how to handle those parts of daily living that they find themselves less and less able to handle with increasing age.

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Help a Senior Stay in Their Own Home

Home can be a dangerous place to those with difficulty getting around or with little sense of danger. It's well-known that if you have children you should lock away your cleaning products and put harmful objects such as knives out of reach, but when it comes to infirm or frail adults we don't usually think of these simple measures. For those with disabilities or who are moving into old age, it's often the case that a nursing home is the obvious care solution.

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Read more about the article Other Ways to Fill the Gap
Louis Tenenbaum, Certified Aging in Place Specialist

Other Ways to Fill the Gap

Guest Columnist: Louis Tenenbaum, Independent Living Strategist

Louis Tenenbaum I don’t want to give the impression I think homemods are the whole enchilada when it comes to Filling the Gap for Aging in Place. Home Modifications are one element of a multifaceted strategy. Tools, high tech and services fill out the mix.

Tools are a way to think of an expanded category of products called assistive technology. Think eyeglasses. If you wear them they fill the gap between what you can see on your own and what you need to see to be functional. Hearing aids are the same. How about a reacher? This simple tool fills the gap between what you can and need to reach.

Of course High Tech is changing and developing faster than we can grasp the potential. Some high tech will monitor changes in health and condition. Some will report incidents. Some will coordinate and manage. Some will record results. Some will enhance communication changing the very nature of physical isolation. CAST is the leading place to keep current.

Services run the gamut of traditional and novel agencies and business serving and involving older members of the community. Meals on Wheels has been around since World war II. Transportation is highly visible right now as we figure out how to deal with the impact of the suburbs on older folks and driving. Friendly visitors, in home rehabilitation, deliveries, home health, chore services and financial planning and others are part of the mix. The range of services is sometimes referred to as the continuum. Every community has an Area Agency on Aging. Variations abound. Aging services is one of the oldest networks recognized to work in communities around the country. A good way to track the history of modern services is from passage of the Older Americans Act on Lyndon Johnson’s watch. (more…)

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